Is HE?
Who Is HE?
John 7:14 “Now about the
midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple,
and taught.
15 And the Jews
marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters,
having never learned?
16 Jesus
answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine,
but his that sent me.
17 If any
man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine,
whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.
18 He that speaketh of himself
seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory
that sent him, the same is true, and no
unrighteousness is in him.
Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you
keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill me?
20 The people answered and said,
Thou hast a devil: who goeth about to kill thee?
21 Jesus answered and said unto
them, I have done one work, and ye all marvel.
Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision; (not
because it is of Moses, but of the fathers;) and ye
on the sabbath day circumcise a man.
If a man on the sabbath day receive
circumcision, that the law of Moses should not be
broken; are ye angry at me, because I have made a
man every whit whole on the sabbath day?
24 Judge not according to the
appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
25 Then said some of them of
Jerusalem, Is not this he, whom they seek to kill?
26 But, lo, he speaketh boldly, and
they say nothing unto him. Do the rulers know indeed
that this is the very Christ?
Howbeit we know this man whence he is: but when
Christ cometh, no man knoweth whence he is.
28 Then cried Jesus in the temple
as he taught, saying, Ye both know me, and ye know
whence I am: and I am not come of myself, but he
that sent me is true, whom ye know not.
29 But I know him: for I am from him, and he
hath sent me.
30 Then they
sought to take him: but no man laid hands on him,
because his hour was not yet come.
And many of the people believed on him, and said,
When Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than
these which this man hath done?
The Pharisees heard that the people murmured such
things concerning him; and the Pharisees and the
chief priests sent officers to take him.”
1. He Knows The Book
2. He Performs
3. He Is From Him
1. He Knows The Book
Verse fifteen: “And the Jews marvelled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?”
Verse sixteen: “Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.”
Who is the ONE who wrote the BOOK?
The book I am referring to … is the Bible.
The Bible with its sixty-six books was given by the ONE standing before these Jews in the temple in the midst of the feast.
“Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught.”
And what about these letters?
We see in the Scripture there are two categories of letters.
a. The letters of men
b. The letters of God
• The Letters of Men
The first mention of letters in the Bible is in 1 Kings 21:8. There has never been a more wicked woman in the Bible than Jezebel. “So she wrote letters in Ahab's name, and sealed them with his seal, and sent the letters unto the elders and to the nobles that were in his city, dwelling with Naboth.”
• The Letters of God
Now we need to turn to Second Corinthians chapter ten. Come down to verse nine through verse eleven. “That I may not seem as if I would terrify you by letters. For his letters, say they, are weighty and powerful; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible. Let such an one think this, that, such as we are in word by letters when we are absent, such will we be also in deed when we are present.” [2 Corinthians 10:9-11]
Three times in these three verses the word “letters” appears. First thought is these letters are the letters of a mere man … that is … Paul. But we need to think again. These letters here are in direct reference to the first epistle to the Corinthians. That is the book of First Corinthians! That is God’s word!
“How knoweth this man letters?” Good question.
WHO is HE?
The ONE standing before them is the ONE WHO “knoweth” letters.
“Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.” [Isaiah 46:10]
He is the ANCIENT of days! Jesus Christ is GOD. Amen!
Jesus Christ is JEHOVAH.
Jesus Christ is very deity being the express image of THE FATHER. [Hebrews 1:3].
[Daniel 7:9-10] “I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.”
Did you see that? The ANCIENT of DAYS will have some books opened. HE is the GOD of LETTERS!
He KNOWETH them! God wrote them!!!
Not only did God write the books to be opened at the Judgment. He wrote the BOOK … the Holy Scripture …The BIBLE. Certainly, Jesus Christ KNOWETH LETTERS. Amen!
2. He Performs Miracles
Verse twenty-one: “Jesus answered and said unto them, I have done one work, and ye all marvel.”
Not only did Jesus Christ know LETTERS, but Jesus Christ did MIRACLES, [miracles that only God could do].
Remember what Nicodemus said in John 3:2? “The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.”
No wonder they marveled! This was a wonder in their eyes; how a mere man could do only what GOD could do.
They were perplexed because:
1. They thought they knew who his parents were.
2. They thought they knew whose his brothers and
sisters were.
3. They thought they knew where he
was born.
4. They thought they knew him as a
mortal man … a son of carpenter.
1. His father was not Joseph. [Contrary to the
NASV, NIV in Luke 2:33.]
2. They were only
brothers and sisters THROUGH HIS MOTHER.
3. HE was not born in Galilee but
in Bethlehem.
4. HE is the
SON of GOD who took the form of a
man. “And being found in fashion as a man …"
[Philippians 2:8a]
This Jesus … Who is able … to know letters without having ever been to school?
This Jesus … WHO is able to do miracles, such as these, miracles recorded in THE BOOK?
Here we are friends! We are now at a junction in the road that we all will meet with in life. This is the “Y” in the road of life. DECISION TIME!
We will all get there. Come on friend … we will all get to this place! READY? What will you do with Jesus?
This is what they did. They ascribed his knowledge of LETTERS and his performance of the MIRACLES to be given to HIM of the Devil.
Yeah, they cried out, this man must be of the DEVIL. Careful here!!!
Your soul is hanging over the FIRE. Tread lightly!
This is why they sought to kill the SON of GOD.
Read verse nineteen and twenty: “Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill me? The people answered and said, Thou hast a devil: who goeth about to kill thee?”
3. He Is From Him
Verse twenty-nine: “But I know him: for I am from him, and he hath sent me.”
In the book of Philippians the mystery [the mystery of godliness] begins to unfold: “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God":
“But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:"
Scripture with Scripture explains The Scripture!
“And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” [Philippians 2:6-11]
Now see [acknowledge] this! For the Christian, we have this: “That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ” [Colossians 2:2]
There we go again with this mystery of God. The “Father” and “Christ” refer to the same God. THEY are ONE … A MYSTERY revealed to the BELIEVER only.
Now go to Hebrews chapter one and take note of how God [The Father] talks to Jesus Christ [The Son]. “But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.” [Hebrews 1:8] [O God]
This conclusively ends all discussion! Jesus Christ is Jehovah! Amen!
[The Trinity is more completely covered earlier in this commentary. See John 1:1-14]
When Jesus cried in the temple as he taught, saying, “Ye both know me, [GOD] and ye know whence I am: [GOD] and I am not come of myself, but he [GOD] that sent me [GOD] is true, whom [GOD] ye know not.”
Now, the reason why they [The Jews] did not receive HIM, as Jehovah, [GOD] is because they were blinded [as are the Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons today]. “But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ. But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart." [2 Corinthians 3:14-15]
When the VAIL is taken away they [ISRAEL] shall know Jesus Christ is God come in the FLESH.
“Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” [Isaiah 35:5, 10] Amen!
Have your eyes been opened?
Have your ears been unstopped?
Do you believe Jesus Christ is GOD?